After blessing his fans with his freestyle video "Pray - Sam Smith's Cover" A Port Harcourt fast rising gospel rapper B-CLASSIC again decide to come up with another freestyle video " All The Way - Fat Joe's Cover"
"Good day fam
Every other week I drop the flyest freestyle video straight outta ph city! And guess what? this week I did a cover of Fat Joe's #AllTheWayUp! 

Check it out here 
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Share let's make Jesus trend!
#AllTheWayUp #MakingJesusFamous  #Forthegospel #Jesusornothing #GospelRap #TheGospel #Fortheculrure #Hiphop #Urbanhiphop #Music #Musician #hiplife #Urbanfunk #Streethop #Phfastestrisingrapper #AceRapper #iamB_classic
#portharcourtsabithetin #Disturbingphcity #iRepPitakwa #Nigeria #Africa #WorldMusic" he said

Check below to watch


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